Showing posts with label minerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label minerals. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Reasons to use Natural Health Supplements

Natural health supplements are essential for healing. Each day the body needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to function properly. These nutrients can be easily obtained from the foods we eat. However, due to non-organic farming methods, the soil might be depleted from an abundance of nutrients that are essential in promoting optimal health.

People who suffer from heartburn, acid ingestion, and other types of gastrointestinal symptoms will usually have a mineral deficiency. This problem can be solved by taking the right form of minerals that will create an alkaline environment in the body. Benefits of Minerals Essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, sodium and trace minerals play an important role in sustaining the health of the body. Each mineral when taken in significant amounts provides a benefit for overall health.

Calcium enables bone health, cancer, insomnia, and heart disease prevention.

Phosphorous helps to strengthen teeth, bones, and provides proper function of the brain

Magnesium is effective in preventing heart attacks, cramps, and diabetes.

Potassium is an essential mineral that lowers blood pressure, prevents muscle disorders, and increases brain health.

Sodium prevents muscle cramps and helps to balance water in the body.

The Best Natural Health Supplements

Are all Minerals Absorbed in the Body? Size is a crucial factor when it comes to mineral absorption. People who take natural health supplements each day assume they are all absorbed in the body and will produce the health benefits they need. Unfortunately, not all forms of minerals have the ability to produce a high absorption rate. It is a difficult process for the body to digest rock hard minerals. For this reason, the body works extra hard to digest minerals that are taken in the tablet form. When these mineral tablets are ingested, they are not completely absorbed. More often than not, they will be partially broken down and flushed down the toilet!

Natural Health Supplements That Work

The size of minerals should be very small in order for them to be completely absorbed by individual cells. Liquid minerals such as angstrom minerals are a better investment that provide superior assimilation. Health benefits are more noticeable. Due to their smaller size, it takes less energy for them to be completed absorbed. Alkalinity in the body is induced by taking angstrom minerals that are the smallest and the most bio-available minerals on earth. Angstrom minerals are much smaller in size than colloidal minerals. In fact, they are 99.9% more bioavailable when compared to other types of mineral supplements that are sold in stores.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Natural Way to improve Acid Indigestion

Acid indigestion is often caused from foods that are too acidic, foods that contain too much spice and other factors. If you are very acidic, taking over the counter antacids may sometimes only provide you with temporary relief and you will be dependent on them. You can solve this problem by introducing minerals in your diet. The inclusion of minerals in the diet is very crucial. Without enough minerals, excess acids in the cells (acidosis) will occur.

Minerals are known to be very alkalizing to the body and you can change your body’s chemistry from acid to alkaline by simply eating foods that contain an abundance of minerals. Such foods that are alkaline forming includes green vegetables, peas, sea salt, sea vegetables, pumpkin seed, watermelon, sweet potato and ionic liquid minerals. Try to avoid eating acidic foods in excess such as meat, fish, eggs etc.