Monday, October 30, 2023

Health Alert: FDA Issues Warning for 26 Eye Drops Due to Risk of Infection, Blindness

Is it possible that the eye drops you’re using are contaminated? If you’ve been using eyedrops, you must be aware that you could be using a problematic eye care product that could potentially lead to an eye infection or even vision loss.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning for Twenty-six over-the-counter eye drops that were removed from store shelves and websites due to their unsafe conditions. Popular retailers such as CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Leader, Rugby etc. have been pulling their eye care products.

Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have symptoms or signs of an eye infection from using these eye care products.

Eye Drop Recall 2023

Some of the Eye Drop Recalled products include the following:


Lubricant Eye Drops 15 ml (single pack)

Lubricant Eye Drops 15 ml (twin pack)

Lubricant Gel Drops 15 ml (single pack)

Lubricant Gel Drops 15 ml (twin pack)

Multi-Action Relief Drops 15 ml

Lubricating Gel drops 10 ml

Lubricant Eye Drops 10 ml (single pack)

Click here to view the entire list of eye drops that were recalled from major brand retailers

Read more on the Washington Post

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Real Ways to Make Money From Home For Free - Dealing With Financial Stress

Some of us will eventually run into emergency situations at some point in our lives. There are times when you will need emergency cash for your car, repair a computer, pay rent or medical expenses. If you are on a budget, there is no need to worry because there is always a solution that you can use to eliminate your financial stress. Regardless of your circumstances, there are four real ways to make money from home for free.

Start a Yard Sale

Most people have items in their homes they no longer need. If your home is cluttered and untidy, selling your items to people is a good way to eliminate junk, to make fast cash, and to get your home more organized.


A family with young children will always need to hire a babysitter when they’re not home. By advertising for this position, you can make quick cash to look after kids.

Dog Walker

There are many dog owners who don’t have the time to give their pets the exercise they need, or will leave their pets unattended. As a dog walker, you’re providing a great service.

Freelance Writing Gigs

If you’re Internet savvy and have a talent for writing, there are people you can assist to complete projects. This is a very lucrative way for you to earn income working from home.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

How Many Bottles of Water Do You Drink Per Day? You Need Super Fresh Drinking Water

How many bottles of water do you drink per day? Super fresh drinking water is the most essential liquid that you need to survive. Did you know that most of your body's weight comes from water?

You may not be aware that around 70% of your body is made up of water. It is also known that the brain and heart have a composition of 73% water. The lungs contain about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, and the muscles and kidneys contain about 79% water. Your bones also contain about 31% water.

How many 16.9 bottles of water should you be drinking?

Consider the 8x8 rule (8-8ounces of water each day) to determine how much you should be consuming to maintain proper health. According to some health experts, you need to drink at least four 16.9 bottles of water each day. This is equivalent to the 8x8 (64 ounces) rule. Some experts also confirm that you need at least 75 ounces of water each day.

If you're physically active, you may also need to consume more water to prevent dehydration. Your body loses electrolytes and water when you're sweating during your workouts. For this reason, you need to replace the amount of water you lose each time you work out. 

Benefits of Drinking Super Fresh Drinking Water

Super fresh drinking water is vital for several functions in your body. These include:

  • regulating the temperature of your body such as sweating and respiration

  • flushing body waste

  • lubricating joints

  • forming saliva that helps with digestion

  • delivering oxygen throughout your body

  • helping the brain to produce hormones and neurotransmitters

  • keeping your mucosal membranes moist

  • You can see that water is beneficial for your overall health. These are good reasons for you to consider increasing your water intake. You may experience certain health issues if you're not consuming enough water.

    What happens when you don't drink enough water?

    You can experience these side effects:

  • persistent headaches

  • constipation

  • skin health issues

  • dry mouth 

  • weight gain and slow metabolism

  • fatigue
  • mental fog

  • increased risk of strokes

  • Other Ways to Consume Water

    Keep in mind there are other ways for you to consume water. How about drinking coconut water? Coconut water is a great option in contrast to plain water. It is rich in minerals and hydrates the body. You can sip coconut water throughout the day to maintain your fluid goals.

    Water-rich foods can also help to keep you hydrated. Some of these include cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, oranges, celery, lettuce, and honeydew melon. These foods are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support health.

    Thursday, August 24, 2023

    Benefits of Mindfulness Apps

    Do you need a mindful app to live a longer and stress-free life? According to recent studies, 75% of Americans suffer from severe stress.

    Medical doctors also confirm that a large percentage of health issues are stress-related. In today’s stressful and hectic society, it is necessary to devote quality time to practice mindfulness. Excessive stress interferes with your social life, it zaps your energy levels and minimizes your physical and mental health. It is important to find the best ways to safely manage your stress levels.

    Why Should you get a Mindful App?

    This article explores top benefits why busy professionals need this essential app.

    Stress Reduction

    As previously stated, most people share the commonality of suffering from excessive stress. Your busy career should not prevent you from practicing daily mindfulness. To retain your health and wellness, it is important to use mindfulness apps.

    More Happiness

    There is substantial proof that daily meditation can dramatically transform your life. Practicing mindfulness will increase your happiness. If you’re struggling with a specific area in your life, meditation is a solution that helps you to overcome your difficult challenges. Mindfulness gives you the advantage to experience happiness and joy. This helps you to have an easier time adjusting to painful experiences.

    Improved Relationships

    If you’re overwhelmed and emotional, the relationships you have with people will decline. When you practice mindfulness or daily meditation, you feel calmer, you will have an easier time building good relationships and you also have better control of your emotions. Use mindfulness apps to learn how to develop emotional awareness and to obtain mental clarity.

    Every busy professional needs a special moment of daily inspiration, so they can feel reenergized and more positive. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily life delivers positivity to the mind and improves your overall health.

    Sunday, July 9, 2023

    What are the Best Ways to Find Happiness In Life?

    Do you feel content with your life? Have you been using the wrong techniques to feel happy?

    The circumstances that you’re dealing with can prevent you from experiencing the most joy and happiness that you deserve. With all the constant stress factors and negativities that you’re burdened with each day, you probably feel as if you’ll never find happiness. Authentic happiness might seem like a challenging goal for you to achieve. Fortunately, there are practices that you can follow to help you feel more empowered and to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

    If you’re overcome with your life’s struggles, consider these tips to find happiness.

    Maslow's Pyramid of Needs

    One of the best ways for us to be happy is by following Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, we have the chance to be happy by learning about a five-tier model of human needs within a pyramid. Maslow’s Pyramid starts at the bottom and goes all the way up to the highest level. Let’s take a closer look at the five-tier model pyramid.

    Physiological Needs At the base of the pyramid is your physiological needs, which are requirements for your human survival. These may include clothing, warmth, sleep, food, drink, oxygen, and shelter. A deficiency of one of these needs can cause you to become engrossed until your needs are met.

    Safety Needs

    Once your physiological needs are fulfilled, you will need to feel a sense of security and safety. Feeling safe gives you peace of mind and makes it easier for you to feel and live happier.

    Love and Belonging Needs Love and belonging are essential needs for human survival. This is also an emotional need that has a powerful effect on the personal relationships that you have with your family members or intimate partner. A deficiency of this need can make you feel depressed and unloved.

    Esteem Needs Esteem needs are the fourth level of the five-tier model pyramid. Your self-esteem needs include your dignity, respect from your peers, and achievements.

    Self-Actualization Needs The highest level of the five-tier model pyramid is self-actualization needs. This need relates to self-fulfillment, personal growth, and creativity.

    A focus on these five needs can help you to analyze different areas in your life and for you to make improvements to live a happier life.

    Socialize With Others

    When you’re going through a stressful time in your life, it is helpful for you to be around people you love. Being around friendly people that provide you with support is the best way for you to overcome rough patches or challenges. Spending quality time with your loved ones can help you to feel more optimistic. It is so easy for you to be influenced by the happiness and peaceful nature of your family or friends.

    Bond With Nature

    Taking a walk through the park is a peaceful experience that can put a smile on your face. There is nothing more fulfilling and enjoyable than taking a 30-minute stroll in the early mornings. This is a routine that you can incorporate to bond with nature and improve your mentality.

    Fun Activities

    Always commit to doing things you love every single day. You can easily become depressed or stressed out if you’re overworked and don’t find time to relax and unwind. Your health could be at risk if you’re always focused on other people’s needs. So, consider taking the time to treat yourself to various forms of entertainment.

    These may consist of going away on a vacation, skydiving, dancing, taking yoga classes, and other activities. Exploring new passions helps to boost your mood and makes it easier for you to find more happiness.

    Saturday, July 1, 2023

    How to Save on Your Fourth of July BBQ

    Would you like to learn how to save on your Fourth of July BBQ holiday? Are you planning a large, enticing cookout? The Fourth of July provides a great opportunity for you to spend quality time with your friends and family members and be outdoors enjoying the warm weather for hours. You could be in the process of planning a backyard BBQ, watching exciting fireworks, and other special activities that your loved ones enjoy each year. You must also make sure that you have budget-friendly holiday activities. Here's how you can avoid overspending on your Fourth of July BBQ.

    To start your barbeque on a budget, consider your meat selection. This may consist of hotdogs, veggie burgers, chicken thighs, steak, and other delicious meats you want to cook on the grill. To make sure you save the most money, be sure to compare the prices of the foods you want to buy on your grocery list. You will need to shop around at different supermarkets to learn about discount prices. On the days leading up to the Fourth of July holiday, you will be sure to discover deals on certain food items. If you hate the idea of barbequing this year, you can also invite your loved ones to July fourth restaurant specials and deals for 2023.

    Next step, barbeque on a budget by finding deals on your barbeque equipment. Save money and time buying a grill by making a list of the features, sizes, and preferred prices you’re looking for. You can research online to learn about the various types of grills that fit your budget. Some of these options may include electric, natural gas, smokers, and charcoal grills. You must also consider buying a grill according to your cooking style, personal needs, and backyard space. Don’t forget to read online grill reviews and ratings to make it easier for you to determine the grill that’s right for you. It is also helpful for you to save money by buying a used, quality grill.

    Finally, use cost-effective techniques to decorate your backyard for your Fourth of July BBQ. You don’t have to use expensive decor to make your outdoors look fancy for your guests. You can buy cheap decorations from your local dollar store and thrift store and perform DIY projects. Decorate your outdoors with red, white, and blue by incorporating stylish outdoor pillows on your seating furniture, adding pops of red to your porch, and hanging patriotic flags on your doors or windows to make your home stand out.

    Saturday, June 10, 2023

    How to Make Healthier Food Choices While You’re Out

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while you’re on the go can be a challenge, especially if the majority of accessible choices is fast food. Whether you’re working a nine to five job, or you spend a significant amount of your time flying around the world on business, this doesn’t mean that you must fall off the health wagon. With the proper planning and implementation of the following tips, you can ensure that healthier choices always takes precedence in your life.

    Review the nutritional information of the menu. Many restaurants including fast food chains have incorporated the calorie count for items on their menu. With such information, you’ll be able to determine what meals are beneficial for maintaining your healthy lifestyle. You can also grab a copy of the menu for future reference in case you decide to have lunch or dinner at that restaurant again. Circling the healthier menu items can cut down the time you spend scanning through the menu. Select meals that are low in calories.

    While the fried items on the menu may be a tempting treat, such food does not fit into your healthy food options. Eating healthy doesn’t mean having a salad-only lifestyle. You can still enjoy delectable items such a grilled chicken on a sandwich, baked potato, salmon, vegetable wraps or other items with a low calorie count. Other healthy food options include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. While you may not be able to find such options in abundance on a restaurant menu, you can always have one or more of these items at a later point in your day. Limit your portion size by eating slowly. Chew your food slowly, so that you can enjoy each mouthful and truly savor the variety of flavors. By doing so, you’ll consume less than you would have normally done, if you were to eat without chewing as much. Eating slowly will satisfy your appetite faster, since it takes your brain up to 20 minutes to determine that you’re full. Adopting this method of food consumption can significantly reduce your chances of overeating. Avoid using high fat condiments, dressings, dips, and toppings. If you’re having salad as an appetizer, you may want to dress it up with salad dressing and the like. While such additions help add flavor to the salad, it can also pack on a few inches around the waist if you consume it on a regular basis.

    Instead of covering your salad with salad dressing, ask for substitutes like olive oil, vinegar, or lemon juice. Carry snacks. Pack snacks such as fruits, nuts, pretzels, and protein bars in your carry on luggage or work bag. If you ever develop a craving for something to eat and you’re unable to find a healthy spot to have a meal, one of these snacks can help hold you over until you’re able to locate a healthy food option. Consume lots of water. Instead of choosing those super-sized sugary drinks full of calories, choose water. You’ll save money, while eliminating the chances of going over your daily calorie intake. About the author:
    Written by The Park Club; a family owned gym in Chiswick London.