The circumstances that you’re dealing with can prevent you from experiencing the most joy and happiness that you deserve. With all the constant stress factors and negativities that you’re burdened with each day, you probably feel as if you’ll never find happiness. Authentic happiness might seem like a challenging goal for you to achieve. Fortunately, there are practices that you can follow to help you feel more empowered and to live a happier, more fulfilling life.
If you’re overcome with your life’s struggles, consider these tips to find happiness.
Maslow's Pyramid of Needs
One of the best ways for us to be happy is by following Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, we have the chance to be happy by learning about a five-tier model of human needs within a pyramid. Maslow’s Pyramid starts at the bottom and goes all the way up to the highest level. Let’s take a closer look at the five-tier model pyramid.
Physiological Needs At the base of the pyramid is your physiological needs, which are requirements for your human survival. These may include clothing, warmth, sleep, food, drink, oxygen, and shelter. A deficiency of one of these needs can cause you to become engrossed until your needs are met.
Safety Needs
Once your physiological needs are fulfilled, you will need to feel a sense of security and safety. Feeling safe gives you peace of mind and makes it easier for you to feel and live happier.
Love and Belonging Needs Love and belonging are essential needs for human survival. This is also an emotional need that has a powerful effect on the personal relationships that you have with your family members or intimate partner. A deficiency of this need can make you feel depressed and unloved.
Esteem Needs Esteem needs are the fourth level of the five-tier model pyramid. Your self-esteem needs include your dignity, respect from your peers, and achievements.
Self-Actualization Needs The highest level of the five-tier model pyramid is self-actualization needs. This need relates to self-fulfillment, personal growth, and creativity.
A focus on these five needs can help you to analyze different areas in your life and for you to make improvements to live a happier life.
Socialize With Others
When you’re going through a stressful time in your life, it is helpful for you to be around people you love. Being around friendly people that provide you with support is the best way for you to overcome rough patches or challenges. Spending quality time with your loved ones can help you to feel more optimistic. It is so easy for you to be influenced by the happiness and peaceful nature of your family or friends.
Bond With Nature
Taking a walk through the park is a peaceful experience that can put a smile on your face. There is nothing more fulfilling and enjoyable than taking a 30-minute stroll in the early mornings. This is a routine that you can incorporate to bond with nature and improve your mentality.
Fun Activities
Always commit to doing things you love every single day. You can easily become depressed or stressed out if you’re overworked and don’t find time to relax and unwind. Your health could be at risk if you’re always focused on other people’s needs. So, consider taking the time to treat yourself to various forms of entertainment.
These may consist of going away on a vacation, skydiving, dancing, taking yoga classes, and other activities. Exploring new passions helps to boost your mood and makes it easier for you to find more happiness.
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